Vinay Nagar Bengali Senior Secondary School organize various competition and tournaments to encourage and train the students in field of different sports like football, cricket, table tennis etc. and have own laurels at the Zonal and National level. Every year annual sports day is organized in the month of December in the school premises. The school hosts S.P.kundu Memorial Football Tournament every year in the memory of Sh. S.P.Kundu (Ex Sesretary) of. Football teams from different schools participate in this game which is held in our school play ground.

"Netaji Football Academy" has been started at the school from 2007. This academy runs in both day and evening and provides basic football training to under 14 students of the school and adjoining areas by renowed and certified football trainer. This academy was inaugurated by Shri.Somanath Chatteree former speaker of Lok Sabha on the eve of Netaji's birthday.

The school organizes football training for school children thrice a week(Monday, Wednesday & Friday) from 06:30 AM. Cricket coaching has also been started from Oct 2009 for school children. It organized coaching classes thrice a week (Tuesday, Thrusday & Saturday) at the school ground from 06:30 AM. Teacher incharge for both football and cricket is Mr.A.K.Mondal.

Principal's Message
Principal's Message
Principal's Message


A unique feature of our school is Rock Climbing activity. Students have shown remarkable spirit, skill and determination in climbing the 50ft artificial rock wall, built in the school premises. 15 students take part in the Zonal Rock climbing competition held at Amritsar. It was also a very special honor for our P.T teacher Smt.Mitra Ghosh who was asked to preside as judge at the Rock climbing National championship competition held at Jammu in 2005. Many students of our school have participated in various competition and secured many prizes. Dr. Karan Singh member of Parliament has donated Rs.2,00,000/- towards the rock climbing unit for Junior students.

Principal's Message
Principal's Message
Principal's Message
Principal's Message
Principal's Message